Did you know the Edison FINE ARTS WHEEL Program is the first arts program of its kind within BUSD? (There is now a second school that's adopted an Art Wheel program - hurrah!)
Edison receives $0 from our district for the art wheel. BUSD only funds general music for grades 2-5.
Seven years ago, Art Wheel was parent-led, parent-dreamt, and Edison administration-supported. This program is made possible by your fundraising dollars! Your support - whether you're donating or you're asking community partners for donations - is what powers Art Wheel.
Today, EVERY student receives arts education all year round at Edison.
This month, we are kicking off the first rotation. Here's what our students are creating with Art Wheel instructors!
TK: Culinary Fun - Brenda Etterbeek
1st & 2nd Grade: Drama - Jennifer Lorigo
3rd, 4th and 5th Grade: Art - Jennifer Klein
If you'd like to learn more about Art Wheel, how to volunteer, or fundraise for the program, please reach out to Mrs. Etterbeek: edisonfineartswheel@gmail.com.